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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Woman with IBS Irritable bowel syndrome
young man having a stomachache.jpg

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition which has a strong connection to psychological issues, and the physical manifestation of that issue can affect our bodies dramatically. It is very common for Anxiety and stress to affect our bodies, but the good news is there are other solutions that don't require drugs.


Hypnotherapy has been proven to help and I have a great deal of experience with IBS, and other similar stomach related problems. Dr Valori, of Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, said the research evidence which shows that hypnotherapy could help sufferers of IBS was first published in the 1980s



The body and mind are closely interlinked. Sickness can lead to stress, and stress can lead to sickness. We are all aware of the impact that stress and worry can have on our overall physical and mental health.


Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to dissolve stress and tension because of this close relationship between the body and the mind.  


We use eye movement therapy together with hypnotherapy to help overcome the root cause of the stress,  and allow the mind and body to heal naturally.

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